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Dogs playing sports

Our Mission:  To provide positive, humane training and educational opportunities for the general public and members, to enable people with similar interests to come together to enjoy social and training activities with their dogs.


February Meeting

Our next meeting will be via ZOOM on February 5th! Meeting starts at 6:00 pm. Program around 7:00 pm

Meeting ID: 86770967107    Passcode: 680187

One tap mobile: 

 <a href="tel:+12532158782",,86770967107#,,,,*680187#>/a>

Find your local number: Click here.

Dial by your location

 +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

February's program will be a discussion of how we can spend some of CDTA's money on things that will benefit our members and the dog community in general.  

Agility Classes

We are once again taking applications for our wait list. 

New Session starts January 2nd.


Dates of class are:

January 2, 9, 16, 30   NO Class Jan. 23.

February 6 & 27   NO Class Feb. 13 & 20. 


Students accepted into classes must fill out the enrollment form.
Instructors running dogs and those coming only for Open Practice must also complete the form.

   Agility Class Enrollment Form

Interested in classes?  Please contact Regina.